Burn Injury Attorneys
in Phoenix
Negligence & Severe Burns
A variety of burn injuries result from negligence. Dangerous product defects, improper warning labels, motor vehicle accidents, and careless human errors can all result in painful burns. Burns are physically and emotionally damaging, leaving behind scars, disfigurement, and post-traumatic stress disorder in some cases.
If someone else’s negligence or intent to harm you caused severe burns, you may be entitled to compensation. A Phoenix burn injury lawyer at Cullan & Cullan, doctors practicing law, can talk to you about what occurred and can analyze the circumstances surrounding your injuries to determine whether you have a claim, what it may be worth, and how to best proceed.
For a free, confidential consultation, call (602) 900-9483 or send us a message online.
Proving Fault in a Burn Injury Claim
The majority of burn injuries occur in the household or workplace. Many burn accident victims don’t believe they have grounds for a lawsuit. They assume it was their own error that caused the burn. While this may be the case some of the time, victims can often trace burn injuries back to an act of negligence.
Examples of burn injuries involving negligence include:
- Hot liquid an employee or other person spilled
- Chemical burns from household products
- Defective water heaters
- Workplace explosions or fires
- Car fires
Burns that result in medical bills, physical pain, emotional suffering, missed time at work, amputation, disability, or scarring and disfigurement, deserve attention from a burn injury lawyer in Phoenix. There may be an individual or entity liable for paying your damages, such as a negligent employer or product manufacturer. A conversation with an attorney can help burn victims explore their rights and options.
How Burn Injuries Are Categorized
Burn injuries are categorized by their severity, from first- to third-degree. These include:
- First-degree: These can result in mild pain and redness to the skin.
- Second-degree: These burns cause damage to the outer and lower layer of skin and result in blisters, swelling, pain, and redness.
- Third-degree: The most severe burns, these burns damage the layers of the skin and muscle, and can penetrate to the bone. It causes severe pain, blackened or whitened skin, and permanent disfigurement.
Treatment options for burns depend on the severity, where at-home or over-the-counter remedies may be sufficient for first-degree burns, second- and third-degree burns require medical attention, hospitalization, plastic surgery, or skin grafting.
Common Types of Burn Injuries
The most common types of burn injuries include:
- Thermal burns are any burns resulting from contact with heat or fire.
- Chemical burns are the result of toxic or acidic chemicals, and some people can suffer internal chemical burns to the respiratory system by inhaling corrosive fumes.
- Electrical burns occur from exposure to electrical currents, such as faulty wiring or defective machinery.
- Radiation burns result from radiation waves passing through the body—sunburn is a common example.
When Defective Products Cause Burns
If a manufacturing company produces a defective and dangerous product that causes a burn injury, such as a brand of hair dye or household cleaner that causes a chemical burn, you have the right to file a defective product claim.
If you have sustained a burn from a product, do what you can to preserve the evidence. If possible, keep the defective product in case it needs to be tested. If you have the receipt for the purchase of the product, keep it. Make sure you take photographs of your burns. Contact an attorney early for assistance in gathering evidence of your burn injury and proving the defective product caused the accident.
Know When to See a Doctor
First-degree burns often do not need medical attention. If a second-degree burn requires antibiotics and pain medications, go to the doctor. Third-degree burns affect all layers of the skin, and always require medical care.
Call 911 and get to a hospital if:
- A burn is of the third-degree
- If the skin looks charred or leathery
- If a burn blister oozes or is larger than two inches
- If the face, genitals, hands, or feet have burns
- If the victim is a senior citizen or infant
Doctors will give serious burn victims oxygen and fluids, as well as other treatments such as skin grafts for the affected area. They can also monitor and prevent infection, a major potential complication of burn injuries.
Cullan & Cullan Is Here to Help
If you’ve sustained any type of burn injury, remain calm and seek medical attention. Keep careful records of your medical costs and treatments, and contact a Phoenix burn injury attorney. We at Cullan & Cullan are medical doctors who practice law—meaning we have superior resources and knowledge regarding personal injury cases in Arizona.
Once you’ve contacted us, we’ll consult with you about your accident and set up a plan for filing a claim if this is the best course of action.
Call (602) 900-9483 today to schedule your free consultation.